Local Organizations and Groups
No need to travel long distances. These local businesses, groups, clubs and more, are right in your backyard.. If you are looking for something, this is the place to start.
Valley Garden Club was founded in 1953. Our theme is
"Plant Dreams, Pull Weeds and Grow A Happy Life".
We have several on-going projects, including "Adopt-A-Highway", "Blue Star Memorial", Spring Plant Sale (Friday before Mother's Day in Kooskia Park), Community Gardens, FFA, and Fundraisers to support community needs. We usually meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month 10:00 a.m. at rotating locations in Kooskia and Kamiah. For more information contact Cheryln Pankey at: ckpankey@yahoo.com. Meetings include guest speakers, advice, and sharing tips. Everyone is welcome to join us.
Central Idaho Quilters is a group of people interested in making or just enjoying quilts. They support many local events with donated quilts to be raffled. Members are from all over Central Idaho, but most are your neighbors right here in this area.